The Ecstasy of Loving God
$ 19.95
$ 15.95
Trances, Raptures & the Supernatural Pleasures of Jesus Christ
by John Crowder
Destiny Image Publishers
God has destined you to live in the joyful radiance of Himself, just as Adam was designed to live in the realm of Eden. Ecstasy, or “extasis,” is the Greek term for trance, and is linked with a pleasurable, God-given state of out-of-body experience recorded throughout the New Testament and the church age.
In The Ecstasy of Loving God, John Crowder takes us on a journey from Old Testament ecstatic prophets such as Samuel and Elijah, to the future ecstatics who will usher in a massive wave of harvest Glory to the streets in these coming days.
What others are saying about The Ecstasy of Loving God . . .
The Church has long been amiss in not understanding ecstasy, indeed nearly all our high experiences in our Lord’s loving presence. We tend to revile what we don’t understand (see Jude 10). We have often reacted to the word ecstasy as though it means some kind of off-kilter wildness that needs to be avoided in the name of common sense and balance. John Crowder’s book dispels fear and gives historical understanding and wisdom, properly enticing all of us into loving encounters with our Lord. In this time, when the Holy Spirit is calling us all into intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ, this book is greatly needed and should be welcomed by all Christians who seek His face.
John Sandford
Cofounder, Elijah House Ministries
Cofounder, Elijah House Ministries
Combining a depth of historical research and passion for Jesus, John Crowder brings together a rare blend for an emerging generation voice. His writings inspire me, challenge me, and make me turn my head. His calling to take the historical orthodoxy of the Holy Spirit packaged into a “today’s style” is an amazing work of art.
James W. Goll
Cofounder, Encounters Network and Prayer Storm Director
Cofounder, Encounters Network and Prayer Storm Director
John Crowder is an inspiration to the emerging generation. He lives a supernatural lifestyle rooted in years of deep study of church history and the Word. He challenges the mindsets of our time to release us into the very fullness of Christ. His messages are stretching, revelatory, and revolutionary. We highly commend him to you and know that this book is a timely revelation of the intimate realm God is calling His end-time Church to embrace. Get ready to experience a deeper union with Jesus than you’ve known before and to see Him work great supernatural exploits through your life. You are part of the generation that creation has been groaning for. This is your time to arise and shine to see nations changed forever.
Justin Abraham
Cofounder, Emerge Wales
Cofounder, Emerge Wales
God is opening up to us the mystic realm like never before. I was like a child in a candy store reading John’s last book, The New Mystics. It so resonated with what I saw God wanted to release to this generation. The Ecstasy of Loving God builds powerfully upon John’s last publication and opens up to us even more in our day that which is ours by inheritance. After reading this book, you will be inspired to enjoy Him like never before and to press for greater dimensions of the Kingdom of God to manifest in your life. John and Lily Crowder are great friends and mentors to our family and are real pioneers of the new things which God is releasing in these days.
David Vaughan
Cofounder, Emerge Wales
John Crowder is a revolutionary writer and speaker that carries a message of a heart overwhelmed and immersed with divine pleasure, and I am honored to call him a friend.
Cofounder, Emerge Wales
John Crowder is a revolutionary writer and speaker that carries a message of a heart overwhelmed and immersed with divine pleasure, and I am honored to call him a friend.
Benjamin Dunn
Joy Revolution
Human beings are hard-wired for pleasure. Our native habitat is Eden, Hebrew for pleasure. Outside of pleasure, we suffer the stress of an alien and painful environment—the world. Through the ages, mystics and prophets have escaped the system by passing through the veil into a state of holy love and boundless pleasure in God. Plunge into the joy of mystical communion! John’s excellent scholarship and profound insights invite you into the pleasure-glory realms of God’s love!
Joy Revolution
Human beings are hard-wired for pleasure. Our native habitat is Eden, Hebrew for pleasure. Outside of pleasure, we suffer the stress of an alien and painful environment—the world. Through the ages, mystics and prophets have escaped the system by passing through the veil into a state of holy love and boundless pleasure in God. Plunge into the joy of mystical communion! John’s excellent scholarship and profound insights invite you into the pleasure-glory realms of God’s love!
Charles Stock
Senior Pastor, Life Center Ministries
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Senior Pastor, Life Center Ministries
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
John Crowder has always been someone I have respected and loved. He is more than a public persona, he is a deep, sincere individual who genuinely wants the real thing. His previous book, The New Mystics, was truly groundbreaking, and I actually used it as a personal devotional, wanting to read it slowly, daily, as to not rush through it, but really absorb it. As with everything God does, we go from glory to glory. The Ecstasy of Loving God is no exception to that principle, and you will be blessed as you read it. Congratulations, John, on another pioneering work!
David Tomberlin
David Tomberlin Ministries
David Tomberlin Ministries
Take a peek inside The Ecstasy of Loving God. . .

Starting with the apostles’ ecstatic experiences on Pentecost, the Book of Acts further records trances in the lives of Peter, Paul and John. From the early church to the Christian mystics of the Middle Ages – and the famous revivalists of centuries present, God’s movements on the earth have always been marked by these supernatural experiences.
God has always wanted a people who live in the Heavens, even as they walk on the Earth. And the world is hungry for the demonstration of a gospel of supernatural power that flows from a life of divine pleasure. More than a state of mind, you will see how the nature of God’s ecstasy is found in the joy, bliss and inner raptures of His presence. In this book, you will be encouraged to drink from the river of His pleasure! (Ps. 36:8).
In this book, John gives a theological foundation for living continuously in a state of holy delight, completely satisfied on the finished works of Jesus Christ. Out of this place of intimate union, many great revivals and awakenings have erupted around the world, as entire masses of people were swept away in ecstatic experiences, corporately manifesting the Kingdom of God.

In this book, you will:
- Learn the history of trances in revival in the ministries of Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Maria Woodworth Etter and others.
- Understand different levels of contemplative/interior prayer and gain a Biblical understanding of Christian mysticism.
- Explore the ecstatic states of prayer, spiritual trances and learn to walk in a place of continual joy and pleasure before the Father.
- See the supernatural, miraculous phenomena that has occurred during ecstasy in the lives of the saints.
- Be refreshed by the new wine of God’s Spirit, and revolutionize your life by being overtaken by the joy of the finished works of the gospel!
Also available in digital format on: KINDLE