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John Crowder Reads the Apocalypse from Patmos
From a small Orthodox chapel on the island of Patmos, yards from where John the Beloved received the vision of the Apocalypse in exile, John Crowder gives a contemplative, full-length reading of the Book of Revelation from a compilation of over 20 translations of scripture.

This special meditation soaking project, recorded right on the island by the Aegean Sea, features an extensive introduction of the book from John Crowder, enabling listeners to see the Apocalypse through a lens of grace.

Perhaps you've considered Revelation to be a difficult, hard or scary book, having trouble dovetailing it together with the message of grace and the finished work of the cross found in the Pauline epistles, this introduction will be of great benefit. The Apocalypse does not present a "different Jesus" than the one you see in the Gospels and the epistles. The aim of this commentary is to bring some cohesion, give a grace lens, and recover the beauty of seeing the book in its own right as a unique and inspired form of sacred literature like none other. There's a mystery and a beauty here that gets eclipsed by so many strange, dogmatic end times views. Even the most positive, victorious eschatologies can get rigid and dogmatic ... The aim of this reading is to strip down all our preconceived notions and give the text itself some room to breathe like a fine wine. To recast and reimagine the imagery afresh.

There is a commanded blessing on reading Revelation, but not necessarily on figuring it all out. John holds the book in the tension of mystery, without attaching linear pat answers to all its meanings.

Jesus Christ is perfect eschatology. Discover Christ in the Revelation.

Pulling from more than 20 translations of scripture, this is a dynamic reading like you've never heard ... a "soaking" recording. It is crafted is for your own meditative devotional use - the concept is to provide a springboard for experiential prophetic conceptualization. For your mind and heart to float adrift in throne room imagery and ignite the divine imagination. As you know there is a very real, tangible "spirit of prophecy," and what better way to engage God's presence in such a way than directly drinking in this most peculiar, inspired and cryptic text of the New Testament directly from its origin - the same isle where John the Beloved himself fell into a trance on the Lord's day?

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